Migrants- Ambeliko


Family Name: Agiaparaskevotis
Name: Ignatios 
Life:   1924- 2009
Father's Name: Dimitrios 
Mother's Name:   Irini Kastrinos 
Siblings:  Dimitrios 
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1967
Sponsor:    Meletis Verdis
Married:  Efstratia Vranis (Stavros)
Children:  Eleni, Irini 
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
Livelihood: Factory worker


Above: In our home's front yard, after a hunting trip. Circa 1965.
Above Right: My passport photo.
Above: My family at the christening of my grandson, Ignatios. From left we are: my son-in-law, Efstratios holding my grandson, Ignatios; my daughter, Eleni, holding my grandson, Giorgos; my wife, Efstratia; my daughter, Irene; my son-in-law's brother, Kostas; and me.
Above Right: Harvesting our produce in our Lewisham home, with my wife, Efstratia.