Mytilineans Party for Beloved Compatriot
Mytilenians Party On!!!!!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Former Presidents of the Mytilenian Brotherhood of Sydney Georgios Kefalas and Stavros Kritikos, with their friends and families, honoured former President of the Mytilenian Brotherhood of Western Australia, Evangelos Gavalas, and his wife, Voula, with a memorable night at the Geia Mas Greek restaurant in St Peters, Sydney.
Above: Evangelos Gavalas in full swing during a zeibekiko.
It was a memnorable night of great food and drink which inspired a lot of dancing!
Above; 'Stin Ygeia Mas'- a great time was had by all...
Evangelos Gavalas has been an active member of the Mytilinean and Greek communities of Perth for many decades and his visit to Sydney provided his local friends to show their appreciation for his friendship.
Above; Mytilineans took over the dance floor.
For More Photographs; Photo Gallery